TUBA U: BASSO PROFUNDO follows an unusual 22-piece musical ensemble into the recording studio, across the U.S., and onto the stage of renowned Carnegie Hall. Featuring the career of tuba maestro Winston Morris, Pulitzer Prize-winning composer Gunther Schuller, German tuba makers, and the 100-member Tubas of Mass Destruction, this is the offbeat anatomy of one instrument that speaks to the dedication shared by players of all instruments.
The half-hour program assures us that some unusual things are indeed worthy of a lifetime of commitment, dispelling assumptions of size, value and ability and addressing prejudice—even if a very quirky one. Filled with “Who knew?” moments, this quirky documentary TUBA U: BASSO PROFUNDO takes a fulsome look at the history, physicality and personalities of the tuba—an amazing, if unheralded, horn.