The drone of diesel engines had given way to the soothing silence of this majestic sailing ship, bowing to mother nature. The pomp and circumstance of festivities before this tall ships' race had surrendered to the monotonous duties of cadets and crew. I wondered...
Tall Ships
I have been too long and far away from the sea. The Jeep I'm driving leans and nods through the blacktop turns and asphalt swells, rolling and banking, afloat on the hard ground and awash in new spring green. In the middle distance, a squadron of high-voltage towers...
Cape Crusaders
"Gentlemen, we are going sailing!" Captain Klaas Gaastra's Dutch accent resonates across the deck of the three-masted barque Europa. The mooring lines snake from the dock, the ship's bow slowly turns, and the crew awaits the next words: "Fore and main masts......
Company Town
The loopy blue neon letters spell out "Robert's Western World." Atop the sign stands an 8-foot-tall, no-nonsense brown cowboy boot; inside, the band is playing tunes from another time. Songs drift into the street: throaty, yodeled laments set to a honky-tonk shuffle...